Niza With a Small Water Supply System Gushing Water Solidar Suisse
Mozambique is implementing a project called Utsanana- Clean Water, Hygiene, Sanitation and Nutrition with the objective of contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality due to water-borne diseases by increasing access to clean water, improved hygiene and sanitatio

The implementation is done by the partners through the District Services for Planning and Infrastructure - SDPI in close collaboration with the communities with advice from the Provincial Directorates of Public Works and Housing. One of the implementation approaches used in this project is the conversion of dispersed sources into Small Water Supply Systems. Niza is a Community in the Locality of Zembe, which is located west of Macate District in Manica Province that has benefited from the Utsanana Project Initiative. Niza has a small water supply system that has been broken for a long time, forcing families travel long distances in search of this precious
liquid and in unsafe sources. With the support of Solidar Suisse, today Niza community has its Small Water Supply System up and running. Alfandega NizaCommunity Leader doesn't hide his feeling of happiness and satisfaction, "I already feel very happy, because with our Supply System in operation we have drinking water close by, which reduces the distances traveled by families in search of this liquid, despite some limitations that the system has, Just say thank you and really appreciate Solidar" he added.
Partners Recognition
Belito, in charge of the Department of Water and Sanitation in Manica Province, thanks Solidar Suisse for joining the government in providing drinking water to rural communities and invites other partners to join the government for the same cause, because the availability of drinking water is one of our country development indicator. Zido Director of the Macate District Planning and Infrastructure Services, assesses positively
Solidar Suisse partnership and support. “Solidar is a partner that does not measure effort, they have never stopped supporting the district, they are always day by day giving us technical and financial advice, so, we want them to stay more time in the district of Macate to give us this advice," he said.