Solidar Suisse has been working in Mozambique since the early 1980s, the overall development goal of Solidar Suisse Mozambique / Southern Africa is to promote an inclusive development process based on sustainable livelihoods, social justice, guaranteeing democratic and human rights and enabling political participation of the population.
The programme focusses on Solidar´s three intervention areas, strengthening the Nexus between Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance as well as including a Peace Building approach (triple Nexus). Further, Solidar will implement an approach of gender equity, and an approach promoting the inclusion of especially vulnerable groups (like people with disabilities, elders, children, demobilized DDR members, etc.).

Economy and Work. In this intervention area, the strategic focus will be on
Promotion of youth employability and labour market integration, Professional Training (PT) and Vocational Education and Training (VET).
Contribute to peace building in central Mozambique by including DDR family members and most vulnerable members of the host community in PT and VET.
Promotion and strengthening of Southern African networks for an ecologically and socially Just Transition.Defending labour rights and rights of association, especially of informal and vulnerable workers.
Democracy and Civil Society. In this intervention area, the strategic focus will be onDemocratic local governance and improvement of public service provision on district and provincial level.
Strengthen civil society partners organizations to demand responsiveness, transparency and accountability of public institutions; promote active and critical citizenship.
Defending human rights, with a special focus on women’s rights.
Disaster and Crises. In this intervention area, the strategic focus will be on
Consolidate Solidar´s organisational preparedness to react timely, effectively and efficiently to disasters and crises.
Interlink humanitarian assistance with development cooperation (Nexus).
Support prevention, resilience/adaptation and disaster risk reduction of Solidar beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders in its geographical area of intervention.

Our vision is a just and fair world free from discrimination, exploitation and violence where people’s basic needs are met, their human rights are fulfilled, and everyone benefits from decent work, social justice, equal opportunities and democratic participation.
We put solidarity into action in global and local campaign, development and humanitarian projects in less well-off regions of Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. We fight for decent work, democratic participation, social justice worldwide and we act in humanitarian crises after natural and human-made disasters. With foresight and ambition, we eliminate social wrongs, and create possibilities and prospects for disadvantaged people.

Solidarity and human rights
Solidar stands in solidarity with people facing marginalization, poverty and discrimination. Human rights are our guiding principle: they are non-negotiable and universal. In addition, we believe resources, goods, services and economic opportunities must be distributed fairly.

We take clear positions in important political and social debates.
All humanitarian interventions are provided in an impartial and independent manner, based on rights and needs alone.

We strive to be accountable for our actions and are committed to transparency.

Inclusiveness and equality, including gender
We respect all persons regardless of their gender, origin, religion, social position, age, physical abilities or sexual orientation. For Solidar Suisse, gender equality means all human beings have the same rights, opportunities and entitlements in all spheres of life. We believe in the right of every person to shape all policies and decisions that affect their lives and society.

Empowerment and agency
As an organization we support people in precarious conditions and groups in vulnerable situations – they are entitled to their rights and need to be able to exercise them. Therefore, we do not present beneficiaries as recipients of charity or as victims but as acting and self-responsible persons fighting for their rights.

Solidar Suisse commits to be a fair employer. As an employer we promote a culture of personal responsibility, flexibility, networking and development. We are professionally competent, innovative, reliable and ensure this through capable and motivated employees.
Our approach - Our values in practice
The outlined paragraphs in the chapter “analytical foundation” on localisation and decolonisation bear significant impacts on the foundation and principles of our work, specifically on our partnerships.
Localisation / Partnerships on eye level
Alliances, networks and collective platforms
Labour rights and human rights
Gender Equality and Intersectionality
Rule of law, democratic rights and civic participation
Responsibility towards sustainable development
Global solidarity
Focus on outcomes and impact
Word from the country representative
The Southern African region, thus, is facing a triple challenge a democratic challenge, an inequality challenge, and a climate challenge. The program strengths the Nexus between Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance as well as including a Peace Building approach (triple Nexus). Further, Solidar implement an approach of gender equity, and an approach promoting the inclusion of especially vulnerable groups (like people with disabilities, elders, children, demobilized DDR members, etc.).

Edgar Jone
Country / Regional Representative Mozambique and Southern Africa

Economy and Work (ET)

Democracy, Civil Society and Humanitarian Action (DCSAH);

Nexus: a complementary approach that is necessary in view of the worsening humanitarian situation due to insecurity. Through this approach, Solidar Suisse intends to offer better living conditions to vulnerable rural populations in an environment of social cohesion. It takes the form of humanitarian action, rural development and peace projects.
In all of our interventions, we place a strong emphasis on gender, organizational and capacity building of farmers' organizations, and natural disaster risk reduction.
The projects of the Solidar Suisse representation in Mozambique are in line with the strategy
They offer institutional development, continuity/sustainability, and the potential for positive impacts in the communities.
Our financial partners
To carry out our fight for a more equal world, we receive financial support from various partners at the national and international level.