Completed Project
Economy and Work
Reduce vulnerable employment and guarantee mmmel standards *1 all forms of labour relations Promote strong organizations of workers, and thee seH-organization Promote employability and labour market integration of youths and young adults Strengthen national and regional decent work alliances campaigns and networks m Southern Afnca Interventions: 1.Promote the discussion and elaboration of a context-adapted Just Transition approach through multistakeholder forums in Mozambique and in the Southern African region. 2.Promote the mitigation and adaptation of vulnerable population to climate change, especially promoting PT and VET linked to climate-change resilient agriculture. 3.Promote Start-Ups of young entrepreneurs, strengthen their business management and market linkage consolidation. 4.Promoting the implementation of ILO Core Labour Rights through Trade Union and worker organizations´ campaigns.

Democracy and Civil Society
Strengthen autonomous and democratic civil society organizations and their networks (I e district and provincial platforms) Promote better access to quality pubfcc services and resources (water, health, education, disaster risk reduction) for marginalised populations, by means of participatory and democratic processes Of planning and budgeting Promote participatory transparent, and democratic processes of accountability and decision making n elaborating and implementing Development Plans on district. municipal and provincial level Interventions 1.Improve public key services such as WASH, health and education, based on democratic local governance. 2.In WASH, focus on the SWSC comprehensive Blue School Signature Approach. 3.Promote citizen participation on district and provincial level and strengthen autonomous civil society organizations in their watchdog role. 4.Promote information and communication, public debates and roundtable forums on relevant topics for inclusive development.

Disaster and Crises
Reconstruction after cydone Idai. especially WASH, including aspects of mantenance as we« as soft skins and the reestablishment of Irvekhoods of people and communities affected by disasters and crisis Foster disaster prevention measures and resilience of vulnerable people and communities making them less vulnerable to the effects of climate change Deliver timely, effective, and efficient humanitarian aid in case of natural disasters or acute crises r Mozambique. Interventions: 1.Maintain and further strengthen the preparedness and intervention capacity of Solidar in Mozambique and in the Southern Africa region. 2.Promote disaster prevention measures, resilience -mitigation and adaptation to climate change response, recovery, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) of vulnerable people and communities in Mozambique and Southern Africa region, making them less vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 3.Deliver timely, effective, and efficient humanitarian aid in case of natural disasters and crises in Mozambique and Southern African region.